17 dezembro, 2020


Projeto professores e alunos conectados

Avaliação 4  bimestre de inglês 7º ano Dalva Pontes 


Read the text below:


Mom: Rick, I'm home. What are you doing?

Rick:  Hi, mom. I'm listening to music and reading a magazine.

Mom: What about your bedroom? Is it clean and neat?

Rich: Oh, no , I'm having fun now. Can I clean it later?

Mom: No, you can't . Remember we have a deal. It's almost dinner time.

Rick: but mom… It's my free time.

Mom: well, is your homework done?

Rick: Not yet, I have to use the internet to finish my Geography paper. Mom: I will chat with your father and I will do a report about your life, because you can listen to music and watch TV , but you must do your activities too.


Questions about text:


1) What is the situation of bedroom?   

A)The bedroom is not clean and neat.

B)  The kitchen is clean and neat.

C) The bathroom is clean and neat. 

D) The garage is clean and neat.


2) How is the homework? 

A)  He  not finish the homework .

B)  He does not finish the homework.

C)  She don’t start the homework.

D)  They don’t do the homework.

3) What is Rick doing when the mother talk with him?  

A) He is listening to music and reading a magazine.

B)  He is listening some rocks  and reading a magazine.

C) He is listening  some operas and reading a magazine. 

D) He is listening some forró  and reading a magazine.


4) What is Rick uses to finish the homework of Geography?  

A) SHE  has to use the internet to finish his Portuguese  paper.

B)  He has to use the internet to finish his History paper.

C) He has to use the internet to finish his math paper. 

D)He has to use the internet to finish his geography paper.



5) Write six family members: 

A)  father, mama , brother, sister, aunt, grandfather.

B)  father, mother, brother, sister, dog, grandfather.

C)  father, mother, brother, sister, aunt, grandfather.

D)  father, mother, cat, sister, aunt, grandfather.

6)  complete with present continuos:

# I am ________dinner. ( cook ).

# Peter is ___________on the pool. ( swim ).

# Mary is _____________to the test. ( study ).

#  We are ___________for the bus. ( wait ). 

A)   Cooking, swimming, studying, waiting.

B)   Cooking, swiming, studying, waiting.

C)   Coking, swimming, studying, waiting.

D) Cooking, swimming, studying, waiting.

7) Write the correct names of holiday                                  1)


The sequence are:

a)    Carnival, Christmas, saint John, new year.

b)    Carnival, new year, saint john, Christmas.

c)    Carnival, Christmas, New year, saint HJohn.

d)    Saint john, Christmas, new year.


  8 ) mark 1 for individual sport or 2 for team sport:


(    ) soccer.     (    ) basketball.             (    ) tennis.


(     )  racer       (    ) runner                    (     ) ciclism.


(       ) swimming.

A) 1,1,1,2,2,2,2.        B) 1,2,1,2,1,2,1. 

C) 2,2,1,1,1,1,1.        D) 1,1,2,2,2,2,2.

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