26 junho, 2020


Atividades 7 anos 7 semana. Mande para o zap do professor ou e-mail da turma.

 Use o texto para responder as questões 1 a 3. 

Dolar & cent

The Dollar is used the monetary Unit used in the United states of America, Canada, Australia and other countries. It is divided into a Hundred units; each unit is named “cent”. In english a comma is used to separate the thousand from hundred, and a dot to separate the hundred from the ten.

# Choose the correct alternative of full form of prices: ( 6 scores 2 em cada questão).


a)     Twenty cents.
b)     Thenty real.
c)      Thenty one.
d)   Thenty dollars.

2)U$ 244.50

a)     Two thousand and forty-four dollars and fifty cents.
b)     Two cents and forty-five dollars and fifty dollars.
c)      Two hundred and forty-four dollars and fifty cents.
d)  Three hundred and forty-four dollars and fifty cents.

3)$ 0.98

a)     Nine cents.
b)     Nineteen cents.
c)      Ninety nine cents.
d)     Ninety eight cents.

Read the text and answer the questions ( questão 4 ).

I am Andrea Crespo, and I’m (1)                                  years old. I live in Madrid with my mother and grandmother. I learn English and Spanish in school.

4.1)   qual informação complete o espaço 1? 
a) 10.
b)  Student.
 c)  father.
 d)  Madrid.

 4.2)   Podemos dizer que Andrea falou que:

a)  Doesn’t speak Spanish.
 b)  Doesn’t study English at school.
 c)  Lives alone.
 d)  lives in a capital City.

5)  rewrite the sentences in negative interrogative form ( to be verb ):

a)  I am at home now.

B) mary is at the beach.

c) We are happy.

6)  encontre os animais.

7)   para pratica oral leia os números de 1 a 30 em inglês e mande para o zap do professor.

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