26 agosto, 2020


                                            Atividade 9 anos de inglês 4 semana de Agosto

                                       Mande para o e-mail ou zap 81935494.

Ter amigos ou fazer amizade é algo fundamental para o sucesso ou fracasso na vida todos de certa forma devem ter amigos, mas precisamos procure boas amizades que possam contribuir para a nossa vida e não para levarmos a destruição ou fracasso. 

Leia o texto e responda as questões.

My name is Andrew. I have a friend. My friend is a boy

His name is Robert.  He is eleven years old.  He lives in Gozo.

Robert has short and brown air. His hair is straight. His eyes are green.  Robert is short and slim.

He is kind and he helps me a lot. 

Robert likes to play football. He is a good footballer. He is good at English. It is his best subject. We like to play together. 

Questions: Choose the correct answer.

1) Where does Andrew’s live?  

A.  Gozo 

B.   Rabat

C.   Dingli

2) Is Andrew’s friend a girl or friend a boy? 

A. She is a girl. 

B. He is a boy.  

3) How old is Andrew’s friend?       

A.  15 years old         

B.   11 years old

C.   17 years old

4) What is Andrew’s friend's name?

A. John

B. Jessica 

C. Robert

Fill in:

5.        Robert’s hair is …………………….… and his eyes are ……..…………………… 

6.        He is (short/tall) and (fat/slim). .......................................................

7.        He is good at ………………………………………………………………………..

8.        English is his ……………………………………………………………………….

9.) Escreva em português o quanto é importante a amizade.

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