17 agosto, 2020


 Atividade 3 ª semana 7 anos

Mande para o e-mail da turma ou zap 981935494

1)complete as informações abaixo de acordo com o texto:

Hello there! My name’s Rosa Benítez and I’m from Guadalajara in Mexico.I am seventeen years old. My mom is Rosario, my dad is Tomás, and my brother’s name is Carlos. He’s eighteen. I’m fourteen and my birthday is on the

November 29th. Guadalajara is a great place. My favorite singer is David Bisbal – he’s from Spain.

Primeiro nome :______________________________________________________  

Ultimo nome:_____________________________________________________ 

Idade: ______________________________________________________ 

Nascimento: ____ __________________________________________ 

Cidade: __________________________________________________ 

Nome da mâe_____________________________________________________  

Nome do pai : ___________________________________________________  

Nome do irmão:___________________________________________________ 

Idade do irmão: __________________________________________________  

Cantor favorito: ________________________________________.


2) escreva V para verdadeiro ou F para falso:

My name’s Megan Walker and I go to Broadfield High School. Do you do lots of sports at your school? I do. My school is a sports college. It’s great! 

At our school, we have a new dance and drama studio. Sometimes our parents and friends come and watch us there. It’s really good fun! Dance is one of my favorite subjects because our teacher often teaches us new dance routines. My friend Renata loves drama. She has drama lessons after school two or three times a week. 

My friend Simon is a fantastic swimmer. He’s the under-16 champion for our town. We don’t have a swimming pool at the school, but Simon goes to a pool near the school. 

Of course, we don’t do sports all the time. We study other subjects too, like science, math and English. 


Do – fazer ,Fun – divertimento, Go – ir ,Subjects – disciplina ou  matéria

,Swimmer – nadador 

Times – vezes ,Town - cidade , Under – abaixo )


a)  Megan pratica esportes na universidade.  

b)  A escola tem um novo studio de esportes. 

c)  O professor de dança nunca ensina novas royinas.   

d)Simon pratica esporte na piscina da escola.  eOs alunos praticam esporte na faculdade o tempo todo. 


3) Escreva a mensagem correta em baixo da figura:: 


  • Don’t use your cell phone.  
  • Throw away trash here.  
  • Attention! School children crossing.  
  • Be quiet!


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