18 agosto, 2020


 Atividade 8 anos de inglês 3ª semana de agosto mande p o e-mail da turma ou zap 81935494


1) escolha a sequencia da conversa:

a)  Are the shampoos and hair condicioners here?

# Yes, they are. # yes. There are.

b)  Is there bookstore near here?

# don’t talk.

# There’s one upstairs.

c)  Joan’s head is aching; # is there?

# isn’t it?


2) escreva  : hability( habilidade), request( pedido) or permition ( permisssao).

a)  I need to use your car, please!________________________________.

b)  can I go now?_________________________________________.

c)  can I use your computer ?____________________________.

d)  Peter can sing very well.________________________.

3) escreva os verbos que esta em parenteses + s, por exemplo: dance+s,fica “ dances”, esta modificação acontece na 3ª pessoa do singular, he,she, it. a) Marcos ___________( speak ) portuguese.

b)  Julia _______________(come) to school by bus.

c)  It ______________(rain) a lot in belém.

d)  Mary ______________( dance ) very well.

e)  jane _____________( eat) pizza every Sunday.





4) escreva resposta curta sim ou não. “yes ,I am , yes, he is OU yes, she is.

a)  are you a good student?

b)  is your mother a teacher?

c)  is your english teacher tall? D) are you rich?

e)  is your father  short?

f)   Is your brother smart?

5) leia e grave o texto abaixo e mande p o zap do professor:

The toys

I have many toys in my house , because my parents gave me a lot. My favorite toy is  the ball, because I play soccer with my friends on the street. I use the ball to play basketeball, volleyball and handball. I love them;  I have a kite , a car, marbles and a robot; my sister has a doll and a ball too, I am very happy, because I have a great family.

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