02 setembro, 2020



*I am – Eu sou/estou           *You are – Você é/está                 * He is – Ele é/está    

 * She is – Ela é/está               * It is- Isso é/aquilo é (usado para coisas,objetos e animais)

*We are – Nós somos/estamos                 *You are- vocês são/estão

                *  They are – Eles são/estão

1) Complete as frases com o verbo to be no presente (am, is ou are):

a) Ana _________ a girl.

b) Tony __________ a boy.

c) I __________ a student.

d) You __________ are my friend.

2- As frases a seguir estão na forma Afirmativa. Passe-as para a Negativa e Interrogativa


A ) She is my mother

N:  she is NOT my mother

I: IS she my mother?


B )We are colleagues




C )This is my cat




D ) We are rich



                MY BABY BROTHER


      I love my baby brother. His name’s Leo. Leo was 48 cm tall and weighed 3 kilos. Now Leo is 60 cm tall and he weighs 7 kilos. How big he is now!

      I like to read stories to my baby brother.

      My older brother Teo likes to sing to Leo. Leo claps hands when he listens to Teo sing.

 Leo is a good baby. He has good habits. He eats healthy food and sleeps a lot. Sometimes he smiles when he is sleeping.  Leo is a cute boy!

3) Marque a alternative correta de acordo com o texto

a) Who is growing up? Quem está crescendo?

A) Teo                B) Teo’s mother.          C) Leo’s father         D) Leo

b) Leo __________________ when he is sleeping. Leo _______________ quando ele está dormindo.

A) smiles- sorrir                                B) claps hands- bate palmas

C) reads stories –ler histórias          D) eats fruit – come frutas

4) Complete o quadro ,a segunda coluna você traduz para o português e a quarta coluna escreve em inglês.





Actually (adv)

Na verdade



Balance (n)













Where are you from?

    _ Are you Brazilian?  _ No, I am not.

    _ Where are you from? _ I am from Mexico. I am Mexican. In Mexico we wear big hats.

    _ Are you American?_ Yes, I am. I am from New York, a big city in the United States.

    _ Is that man African? _ No, he is not African.

    _ Where is he from? _ He is from Germany. He is Germany.He is German. He likes beer.

    _ Are they Japanese?   _ Oh, no! They are not Japanese.

    _ Where are they from? _ They are from Rome, the capital of Italy. They like macaroni very much.   And wine, too.

    _ Where are you from? _ I am from Rio, a large city in Brazil.

    _ Ah, Brazil! The country of gentle.  People, the land of Carnival!

    _ Who are they?  _They are Japanese, workers.

    _ Are they lazy? _ No, they are very busy! They work very hard!

 Assinale a alternativa correta:

5).New York é:

a.(   ) uma grande cidade dos Estados Unidos.

b.(   ) Uma pequena cidade dos Estados Unidos.

 6).No México:

a.(   ) As pessoas usam grandes chapéus .   b.(   ) Uma pequena cidade dos Estados Unidos.

 7).No Germany

a.(   ) As pessoas usam grandes chapéus .   b.(   ) As pessoas gostam de cervejas


a.(   ) é a capital da França.             b.(   ) é a capital da Itália.

 9).As pessoas de Roma:

a.(   ) gostam de vinho e macarrão.    b.(   ) não gostam de vinho, mas de macarrão.

 10)Ah, Brazil! The country of gentle People, the land of Carnival! Assinale a alternativa que melhor traduz a frase destacada:

a.(   ) Ah, Brasil! O país de pessoas gentis a terra do carnaval.      b.(   ) Ah, Brasil! O país de pessoas educadas  a terra do carnaval.


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