01 setembro, 2020


 Avaliação bimestral 1 °  e 2 °bim  8 anos de inglês. 

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Leia o texto abaixo, após escolha a resposta correta.

 Brazil is the 21st century power to watch (Brasil: uma potência do século 21) by Michael Skapinker 


he FIFA World Cup was founded in 1971. It was designed by Silvio Gazzanigi of Italy. Made of 18-carat gold and malachite, the cup is 36,5 cm tall and weighs 6,2 kg. The sculpture depicts two triumphant football players holding a globe in their raised hands. The trophy is passed on to each winning team that gets to keep an identical (but gold-plated) replica. The making of the statue cost about $50,000, today its value is estimated to over $10,000,000. After each tournament the name of the winning country and the year of their World Cup victory are engraved in the bottom side of the trophy. Space on the base will run out in 2038 at the earliest. 


A. Reading comprehension


1.How many  years the fifa world cup was funded?

a)    46  years.

b)    44 years.

c)    47 years.

d)    45 years.


 2. Who  designed the FIFA World cup?


a)  Luiz Arantes do nascimento o “Pelé”.

b)  Silvio Gazzanigi of Italy. 

c)  Silvio Gazenigi of Italy.

d)  Dario franquity.  



3.  What  are depicts  “ fifa world cup”?

a)  One triunfal player.

b)  depicts three triumphant football players

c)  depicts two triumphant football players.

d)  depicts four triumphant hand players.



4.  What is the values today ?

a)    The making of the statue cost about $50,000.

b)    The making of the statue cost about $500,000.

c)    The making of the statue cost about $5000,000.

d)    today its value is estimated to over $10,000,000.


5)  Choose the correct alternative to “ breakfast”: a) Milk, cofee,Bread, cheese and Apple.

b)  Bacon, bife, rice and beans.

c)  milk, coffee and “baião de dois”.

d)  juice, corn, beans and chichen.



6)  They are only drinks  in english: a) Hamburguer, Bread, fish,

b)  Fish, french fries, bife.

c)  Ice cream, can, coffee.

d)  Juice, water and milk.



7)   Write the comparative form:


a)    Mary is _______than July. (  tall  ).

b)    Celi is ________than Maria. (  short).

c)    I am ____________than Jony.  ( happy ).

d)    Brazil contry is _______than Venezuela.   (  good  ).

e)    Ferrary car is ________than volkswagem car. ( fast  ).


The sequence are :

a)    Talller,shortest, happie, gooder, faster.

b)    Taller, shorter, happyer, gooder, faster.

c)    Taller, shorter, happier, better, fastest.

d)    Taller, shorter, happier, better, fastest.




8)   A. Escolham a opção que melhor preenche os espaços em branco, fazendo uso adequado do passado de verbos regulares.


   Where did you ________with her last week? Please tell me! A. Talked .

B.  Talk

C.  Talking


     I think you______the movie because you weren't really interested in watching it.

A.  Missed

B.  Miss

C.  Missing


   When you_______me I was going to take a shower. What a coincidence!

A.  Call

B.  Called

C.  Calling


 She really_______the drawing you did. You've got talent!

A.  Like

B.  Liking

C.  Liked



9) translate to Portuguese:


#Hi, my name´s Peter, I live with my parents and my great grand mother, I am happy, because we don’t have money, but never the felicity go on  of my home and God e is presente in our lives, bye!


a)    Oi, meu nome é Peter, eu moro com meus parenteses e minha avó, eu sou feliz, porque nós não temos dinheiro , mas nunca a felicidade vai embora do meu lar e Deus  está presente em nossas vidas, tchau!.

b)    Oi, meu nome é Peter, eu moro com meus parenteses e minha bisavó, eu sou feliz, porque nós não temos dinheiro , mas nunca a felicidade vai embora do meu lar e Deus  está presente em nossas vidas, tchau!.


c)    Oi, meu nome é Peter, eu moro com meus pais e minha avó, eu sou feliz, porque nós não temos dinheiro , mas nunca a felicidade vai embora do meu lar e Deus  está presente em nossas vidas, tchau!.

d) Oi, meu nome é Peter, eu moro com meus parentheses e mi, eu sou feliz, porque nós não temos dinheiro , mas nunca a felicidade vai embora do meu lar e Deus  está presente em nossas vidas, tchau!. 

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